Ziyarat photographs

Ziyarat photographs
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First Imam Hazrat Ali a.s. (Hz. Ali ibn. Abi Talib a.s.) ---Life --(3rd part)

Early in the seventh year of al-Hijra, the Prophet learned that the Jewish tribes in the valley of Khaybar, about eighty miles north of Madinah, were planning mischief against the Muslims.  He decided to march to Khaybar and eliminate the threat to their homes and lives.  He took about 1600 believers with him but Ali was unable to go with the Muslim army at that time because of sore eyes. 

The Muslims took the smaller fortresses one by one, and laid siege over the grand citadel of Khaybar. Each of the repeated attempts made by the Muslims was repulsed effectively by the ferocious Jewish warriors.  Even the most senior and trusted companions of the Prophet failed to break into the defenses of the citadel.  By this time the Muslims were getting somewhat discouraged and demoralized.  Finally, the Prophet declared, "Tomorrow I shall hand over my flag to one who loves Allah and His Prophet, and who is beloved of the Lord an d His Prophet, a fearless champion who n ever turns his back upon a foe; and at his hands the Lord will give victory.  " Hopes ran high in the hearts of all potential commanders to earn that benediction.  However, All arrived at the scene with sore eyes.  The Prophet healed them with his saliva, and gave him the Standard of die Muslim army.  He faced his first adversary in Marhab, a formidable warrior, and cut him into two with one stoke of his famous sword.  This was followed with successful duels with six other Jewish warriors.  He then led the Muslims to a general attack, and won the day by subduing the fort of Khaybar.  Some miraculous feats are reported in the books of history concerning the way Ali pulled out the gate of the fort and, first used it as a shield for himself and then threw it as a bridge over the ditch for the Muslims to cross over.  The Prophet did not evict the vanquished people from their homes.  The people ceded half of their property to the Muslims for submission, and in return, they were allowed to continue to cultivate the land for their subsistence.  The grove of Fadak was retained by the Prophet, and gave it to his daughter Fatima for her family to use. 

In the eighth year of al-Hijra, the pagans of Makkah violated the peace treaty signed with them two years earlier.  The Prophet took ten thousand believers with him and marched to Makkah.  The city was subdued without active fighting, and the archenemy of Islam had to embrace Islam along with other infidels of Makkah.  Upon the conquest of Makkah, the holy Ka'ba was cleansed of hundreds of idols.  The grand idol, Hubal, treated as a deity by the pagans of Makkah was fixed on a high position, beyond reach.  The Prophet asked Ali to mount his shoulders to reach it and destroy it.  Ali initially hesitated but complied on second command, and standing on the shoulders of the Prophet, he pulled the heavy idol from its high place and knocked it down to the floor where it crashed to pieces.  The Prophet recited: "Truth has come and falsehood being perishable, has vanished.  X'VH: 82.

It was the same year of al-Hijra when the Prophet sent Ali to Yemen as his envoy to replace Khalid bin Walid.  Khalid had earlier been sent to Yemen to collect the obligatory taxes.  He ransacked the place and caused havoc amongst the southern tribes with loss of life and dignity, in his pre­ Islamic ruthless style.  The news of this event caused much grief to the Prophet.  Khalid was recalled and rebuked for his conduct.  To compensate the families of the victims, the Prophet dispatched Ali to Yemen with money.  On arrival there, he distributed the compensation according to the needs of each family.  There was still some money left which was also given away to the needy.  The people were impressed by this true soldier of Islam and admired him for his generosity, kindness, piety and knowledge. 

By virtue of the verse in Qur'an, Ayae tat-heer....... And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, ye Members of the Family, and to make you pure and spotless." XXXIII: 3 3, the Prophet included Ali as a member of his family (Ahle Bait).  It is reported in numerous ahadith that the Prophet laid his woolen blanket over himself, his daughter Fatima, her husband Ali, and her sons Hasan and Husain, and said, "O Allah., these are my Ahle Bait."