Ziyarat photographs

Ziyarat photographs
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The Fifth Imam Muhammad Baqir a.s. (Hz. Mohammad ibn. Ali a.s.) --- Introduction

The Fifth Imam: Muhammad ibne Ali (AS)

Name          Muhammad

Title            al-Baqir

Epithet       Abu Ja'far

Father         Ali bin Husain

Mother        Fatima daughter of Imam Hasan

Date of Birth:          Rajab 1, 57 AH (December 16, 676 AD)

Place of Birth          Madinah

Progeny from Umm Farwa binte Qassim bin Muhammad bin Abu Bakr:

                        Two sons: Ja'far, Abd Allah

                        He had other children from other wives

Date of Death:          Zilhaj 7, 114 AH (January 28, 733 AD)

                                  He live to an age of 57 years

Place of Death:          Madinah

Place of Burial:          Jannatul-Baqi